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Imagine Crafts

Memento Luxe

127 projects found
StazOn and Fabrico Suede Travel Journal Cover

StazOn and Fabrico Suede Travel Journal Cover

Enjoy the journey as much as the destination and record every memory made along the way in this fun, easy collage style travel journal. 

Shimmering Stars & Stripes Patriotic Card

Shimmering Stars & Stripes Patriotic Card

I love red and blue, I love America - so when I have the chance to create something that is so close to my heart I really am in crafting heaven. This card celebrates my love for this amazing country and some real crafting goodness all thrown into one gorgeous themed card.

Memento Luxe for a No Fuss DIY Hawaiian T-Shirt

Memento Luxe for a No Fuss DIY Hawaiian T-Shirt

Do you have some old T-Shirts in the closet that you never wear because they are just too plain? Dress them up with a stencil and an ink pad. The first swipe of ink always make me nervous (it is a $3 t-shirt after all), but then we you see your shirt coming to life, it is super fun!

Floral Summer Tank with Memento Luxe

Floral Summer Tank with Memento Luxe

My summer wardrobe is full of boring plain shirts, how about yours? This year I was so happy to receive some of the gorgeous Memento Luxe inks and have quite literally gone to town jazzing up my clothes with my favorite images. Check it out!

Memento Luxe for a Summertime Men's Shirt Fabric Project

Memento Luxe for a Summertime Men's Shirt Fabric Project

Is your husband or son still thinking your hobby is just for women? I've made a men’s shirt, perfect  for summer time, that will convince them otherwise! Since Martin (my husband) has seen it he’s attended to my colors, stamps and stencils in a whole new way. This shirt is a great way to involve everyone in your crafting endevours. 

Juicy Watermelon Tank Top Fabric Project

Juicy Watermelon Tank Top Fabric Project

A delicious DIY tank, just in time for summer!

Memento Luxe to Create a Ribbon Gift Envelope

Memento Luxe to Create a Ribbon Gift Envelope

Gift cards, money or homemade coupons, this is a great way to give them to your special person. It also doubles as a cute storage envelope for all of their monetary gifts. This is fun to make and easy to change the gift theme.

Memento Luxe for Strawberry Gift Card Holder

Memento Luxe for Strawberry Gift Card Holder

Some times it is just so much simpler to give that picky Teenager a gift card than buy a gift. I never know what to buy my nieces mainly because they have everything twice over already! I decided to create a slider card and figured that I could hide a gift card within the mechanism. 

Memento Luxe for Modern Stars and Stripes Card

Memento Luxe for Modern Stars and Stripes Card

Ready for summer? Memorial Day kicks off summer in the US and this card is great for sending greetings or using as an invitation to a July 4th BBQ.

Create Your Own Butterfly Pillow Cover

Create Your Own Butterfly Pillow Cover

I like this time of the year for it's flowers, butterflies and freshness. So let's use our liking and bring it inside our home :)

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