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Imagine Crafts

Scrapbook Projects

53 projects found
Memento Markers for a Stay brave. Stay strong Art Card

Memento Markers for a Stay brave. Stay strong Art Card

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know.” There are opportunities daily to show our support to other women who may be fighting battles that we are completely unaware of. Why not give that support with a card?


Homegrown Beauty Scrapbook Layout

Homegrown Beauty Scrapbook Layout

My niece is a real girly girl – but with such a strong personality! I used a recent photo of her to create a beautiful layout using strong colors – reminding her that she is capable of anything, but most of all – a homegrown natural beauty. I used StazOn Studio Glaze to create the beautiful doll for this layout.

Always In Motion Steampunk Tag or Bookmark

Always In Motion Steampunk Tag or Bookmark

Here is a gift tag that reflects a personality. Fun to make and even more fun to give away, it can double as a bookmark.

StazOn and Fabrico Suede Travel Journal Cover

StazOn and Fabrico Suede Travel Journal Cover

Enjoy the journey as much as the destination and record every memory made along the way in this fun, easy collage style travel journal. 

Make a keepsake for your next wedding event.

A Day to Remember - Keepsake Wedding Craft

There is something undeniably beautiful about a wedding - friends and family come together to support and celebrate those exchanging vows and becoming one. Make a keepsake for your next wedding event. 

StazOn Studio Glaze for an Old Glory Flag with a Twist

StazOn Studio Glaze for an Old Glory Flag with a Twist

Nothing says Memorial Day to me like an American flag. We artist are never happy unless we are grunging, distressing or finding new ways to present an old custom. Let me show you how to achieve a new look for Old Glory.

Faux Gelli Plate Print Gift Bags and Cards

Faux Gelli Plate Print Gift Bags and Cards

Faux Gelli Plate Prints are a great way to create unique and fun cards and gift bags to have on hand for any occasion. The Craft Mat and Memento Luxe inkers make creating faux Gelli prints so quick and easy you'll have a stack of beautiful prints in no time at all.

Fashion Faux Gelli Plate with Imagine Craft Mat

Fashion Faux Gelli Plate with Imagine Craft Mat

Do you want to sample the technique done with a Gelli Plate but don't have the room or the budget for one more piece of equipment? Why not try this "faux" Gelli Plate technique done with your Imagine Crafts Craft Mat? Simple, fun and amazing results are in store for you.

Creative Medium Metallic Retro Picture Frame

Creative Medium Metallic Retro Picture Frame

A few days after we were asked to do an upcycling project I got hold of an old and ugly plastic picture frame. This technique using Creative Medium and Embossing Powder is very easy to do and gives a true metallic retro effect.

VersaMark and StazOn Studio Glaze for a Garden Collage

VersaMark and StazOn Studio Glaze for a Garden Collage

In Germany we say "April, April, der macht was er will“ which means the weather in April is capricious. It could be rainy or sunny- almost like summer time here. “April showers bring May flowers” is the American adage. And this card suits to both countries! This card is very simple to make and has a surprising illusion effect.

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