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Imagine Crafts

Fireworks! Shimmery Craft Spray Techniques

5 technique(s) found
Get unique looks with the same Fireworks and different Papers

Get unique looks with the same Fireworks and different Papers

Do you feel limited by the sprays and inks you have or want?  If you feel like you get one look consistently and want something new with products you know and love, try switching up your paper.  In today's video, I show you how a simple change can make a large difference in the appearance of your creations.

Create Vibrant Backgrounds With Fireworks Spray

Create Vibrant Backgrounds With Fireworks Spray

Learn how to create gorgeous backgrounds with Fireworks Sprays, bristol paper, and an ink lifting technique. Melissa shows you how to make smooth color transitions or marble looks with just the sprays and a bit of water! These backgrounds compliment any card layout or stamp set theme as you see with the sample from Under the Sea set.

Monochromatic Backgrounds using Faux Gelli Printing

Monochromatic Backgrounds using Faux Gelli Printing

Firworks! Shimmery Craft Sprays have a beautiful shimmer that kisses your paper with a soft, subtle sparkle. It was this kiss of color that I wanted to capture with this technique. I wanted to create a background that I can add to effortlessly when the time allows. We all know that feeling! {smiles}

This layout features the Faux Gelli Printing technique. This time, however, I utilized my Fireworks sprays to create a monochromatic background and I’ll also show you how to use Fantastix with Fireworks for doodling and detailing.

Background Splash with Fireworks!

Background Splash with Fireworks!

It's not just for spraying -- pour and spread Fireworks! for splashy background effects.



Fireworks! Tips and Techniques

Fireworks! Tips and Techniques

From, an intro to the many things you can do with Fireworks! Craft Sprays, including spraying, stenciling, painting on stamped images, and more.



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