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Imagine Crafts

All-Purpose Ink Projects

45 projects found
Memento Luxe for a No Fuss DIY Hawaiian T-Shirt

Memento Luxe for a No Fuss DIY Hawaiian T-Shirt

Do you have some old T-Shirts in the closet that you never wear because they are just too plain? Dress them up with a stencil and an ink pad. The first swipe of ink always make me nervous (it is a $3 t-shirt after all), but then we you see your shirt coming to life, it is super fun!

All-Purpose Ink for a Custom Vintage Bridal Hair Clip

All-Purpose Ink for a Custom Vintage Bridal Hair Clip

Vintage weddings are kind of romantic and elegant with a touch of past times. It can be defined very individually but the romantic touch is always presented. This really romantic sparkling flower clip can be used in several ways: the bride’s hair, the groom’s buttonhole or, in a bigger dimension, as wedding bouquet, or for any decoration.

All-Purpose Ink and Memento Luxe for Stamped Serviettes Craft

All-Purpose Ink and Memento Luxe for Stamped Serviettes Craft

White is such an amazing blank canvas - from cardstock to canvas to fabric. White enables you to create and alter whatever you can dream up. For those special afternoon tea time treats on the patio I altered some white linen serviettes to make them a bit more special.

Craft Mat for Monoprint Memories Crackle Card

Craft Mat for Monoprint Memories Crackle Card

Gelli Printing is a firm favorite of mine because it offers the ability to just play and experiment - and with the wonderful inks and mediums available it is such a joy creating textures. A great alternative to the Gelli Plate is to use the Craft Mat to create faux Gelli prints for some quick cards.

Stenciling on Fabric with Fabrico and All-Purpose Ink

Stenciling on Fabric with Fabrico and All-Purpose Ink


Barb and Marilyn of Enchanted Valley Arts demonstrate a fabric stenciling technique with All-Purpose Inks and Fabrico Markers. Great for quilts, table runners, placemats and more!

Memento Luxe on Wooden Postcard Seaside Greetings

Memento Luxe on Wooden Postcard Seaside Greetings

Remember your seaside adventure with this fun postcard.



Upcycled Picture Frame to Jewelry Organizer with StazOn Ink

Upcycled Picture Frame to Jewelry Organizer with StazOn Ink

Create your own jewelry organizer from an old picture frame.

Home Decor with Pico Embellisher and All-Purpose Ink

Home Decor with Pico Embellisher and All-Purpose Ink

Create your own home decor piece of art that will be the centerpiece of any room.

Cupcake SHEET Metal Embellishment

Cupcake SHEET Metal Embellishment

Create a simple metal embellishment that can be used in cardmaking, jewelry, mixed media, and other crafting.



Hand Colored Flower Fabric Gift Bag

Hand Colored Flower Fabric Gift Bag


It's easier than you think to decorate fabric -- check out this video tutorial for step-by-step instructions.



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